Yesodei HaTorah Clarity Films

As part of our work with Yesodei, we prepared these Clarity Films, a sort of "video FAQ" – short, informational videos that address common questions and concerns. Well-made, strategically embedded videos help close the deal with website visitors who are already receptive to you and who are actively trying to learn more.


Our method is designed to put the infrastructure in place for an enduring, long-term payoff. We transform your website and social media into a permanent video marketing funnel that continually leads individuals on a journey from initial awareness to commitment. The goal is to turn any potential prospect off the street into your newest supporter or recruit.


As part of our work with Yesodei, we prepared these Clarity Films for prospects who had already been drawn through the marketing funnel and were now seriously considering attending Yesodei. These films were a sort of "video FAQ" – short, informational videos that addressed common questions and concerns. At 60-90 seconds, they gave site visitors a little more detail with the sounds, colors and feelings only video can convey.

We also advised on how to get the most out of these videos by fully integrating them into Yesodei’s website. Fencing off video in its own section keeps it from having an impact when and where it's really needed, right in the middle of the click- and-scroll action; well-made, strategically embedded videos help close the deal with website visitors who are already receptive to you and who are actively trying to learn more.


We collaborated with the organization on multiple videos and witnessed incredible success over a period of several years. In one video, a diverse group of alumni shared how they came to choose Yeshivat Yesodei HaTorah and how their experiences there continued to be a vital part of their personal paths – some with careers, some in the IDF, some learning on their own or preparing for their roles as parents, in America and in Israel. The core message of Jewish self-determination was thus projected both before and after the yeshiva experience. This was a truly mature expression of the objective we had formulated together.

Now armed with a concise and unambiguous message, Yesodei HaTorah saw precisely the reactions they were hoping for, from students who understood what the yeshiva stood for and wanted to be a part of it.  The year after the first video was released saw enrollment grow by over 50%, and the school maintained strong numbers during the rest of our partnership as well. “During a recent recruitment trip,” one recruiter told us, “some students even applauded – something which is utterly unheard of.”



Traveling Summer Camp Recrtuiment Film


#IsraelUnderFire: Our Response to the Gazan War